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Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an Ophthalmologist? Check out this quick 15-minute video to learn more about the specialty and even some of its subspecialties!


Just click the link HERE!


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Take a look at Medscape's survey-based report about the lifestyle, happiness and burnout in ophthalmology to get an idea about the advantages and obstacles the specialty faced in 2021.


(You can create a free account to gain access, or you can plug in the report title in google and click on the free link!)



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If you're curious about the compensation within Ophthalmology after residency, explore Medscape's survey-based report about the specialty's earnings in 2021.


(You can create a free account to gain access, or you can plug in the report title in google and click on the free link!)




Check out Dr. Tim Root's website! Find lots of great free content including videos, texts, and even his personal career blog. The material is designed for the medical or optometry student level.


You can also find the free pdf of Dr. Root's The Ophtho Book here.


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